Interrogate a Story Source – Hesiod’s Theogony

Hesiod’s Theogony is an Ancient Greek text, outlining the creation story as they knew it. It is a cornerstone for the Greek religion in it’s original time and for Greek Mythology as we see it today. Throughout the epic poem, Hesiod outlines how the world began, beginning with Chaos, the primordial deity representing the void from which everything began. It p41Vw+9qBJLL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_rogresses through the rise and fall of the Titans and the rise of Zeus and the Olympians.

The Theogony is a piece of literature that was incredibly important to the Ancient Greeks, much like the Bible is to modern Christians. It gave them the story of how the world, and eventually humans, came to be. It is a foundational piece of work for their religion.

To begin learning about the physical book and how it worked in Ancient Greece and how it works today, choose one of the below options. They go in no particular order


Rhetorical Situation – Audience, Purpose, Context, Author, and Genre

Design Choices – Emphasis, Contrast, Organization, Alignment, and Proximity

Modes of Communication – Linguistic, Visual, Spatial, Aural, and Gestural

Affordances and Constraints – What works and what doesn’t

Conclusion – How the book has impacted our culture